Say goodbye to the hassle of dealing with complex dental issues like missing or damaged teeth. Fortunately, a solution exists to address these problems, offering patients in Mesa, AZ, the chance to regain functionality and a visually appealing smile. Dental implants stand out among various dental restorations, providing patients with restored dental health and an improved aesthetic appearance.

The Dental Implant Journey For those considering dental implants in Mesa, AZ, this procedure offers a transformative solution for achieving a flawless smile. Understanding the step-by-step process of obtaining dental implants is crucial for individuals embarking on their path to new teeth. The comprehensive approach to implant placement involves the following key steps:

1. Diagnostic Phase: The journey begins with a diagnostic phase, where a consultation is conducted to ascertain the patient’s desired outcomes. Through imaging and a thorough examination of the patient’s oral health and dental history, a trusted dentist gains insights into factors that may influence treatment outcomes. This information guides the customization of a tailored treatment plan.

2. Treatment Choices and Materials: Based on the findings from the diagnostic phase, the appropriate dental implant treatment is selected. This includes choosing materials for the patient’s implant restoration and considering any necessary surgical components such as grafting, soft tissue aesthetic procedures, or additional implants. Patients are presented with a range of modern, high-quality materials to choose from.

3. The Treatment Procedure: With a personalized treatment plan in place, the next step is scheduling the treatment procedure. The duration may vary, typically ranging from 1-3 visits or up to 3-5 visits, depending on the complexity of the procedure.

4. Post-Treatment Care: Following the successful placement of dental implants, management plans for regular cleanings and special maintenance are established. This ensures that patients enjoy the longevity of their investment in new teeth for years to come.

Are you curious to Learn More About Dental Implants in Mesa, AZ? Connect with our experienced dental professional, Dr. Fadi, at Restoration Dental. Schedule an appointment today to embark on your journey to new and improved teeth. Our dedicated team is eager to assist you in achieving a confident and radiant smile.

Fadi Naioom


I am Dr. Fadi Naioom, a dedicated dentist who graduated with a Doctor of Dental Medicine degree from the Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health in 2014. After realizing my dream of opening my own dental office in Phoenix Valley amidst the 2020 pandemic, I have committed myself to delivering personalized, comprehensive dental care to my patients. Beyond dentistry, I am a family man and a movie enthusiast, appreciating every moment I spend with my wife Mary and our two children, Micah and Emma.