Teeth Whitening 

 Professional Teeth Whitening in Mesa, AZ

Your smile’s appearance can have a big impact on how you present yourself to the world. If a yellow or stained smile is holding you back in your personal or professional life, professional teeth whitening can help. With a teeth whitening treatment at Restoration Dental, you can achieve a brighter, whiter smile in as little as one convenient dental appointment. Here’s what you should know about professional teeth whitening before scheduling your free cosmetic dental consultation.

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Overview of Cosmetic Teeth Whitening

Even with the best at-home oral hygiene habits, it’s common for teeth to become discolored over time. Discoloration can occur for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Consuming stain-causing foods, such as coffee or red wine
  • Age
  • Genetics
  • Tobacco use

Fortunately, reversing the signs of discolored teeth is possible. The best candidate for professional teeth whitening is someone who has dull, stained, or yellow teeth, but who otherwise has healthy teeth and gums. It’s important to note that teeth whitening will be ineffective on teeth that are discolored due to an injury. 

While at-home teeth whitening treatments have become more available than ever before, whitening your teeth at the dentist offers many benefits over these options. These include:

  • Safety: Your dental whitening treatment will be monitored by a knowledgeable dental team
  • Professional-Strength Materials: You’ll have access to strong whitening products
  • Effective: You’ll immediately see a visible difference in the appearance of your teeth 

Teeth Whitening at the Dentist

At Restoration Dental, our trusted dental team is committed to making your teeth whitening experience as convenient and comfortable as possible. Here’s what you can expect during your professional dental whitening treatment:

  • First, the dentist will protect your gums from the whitening products with a special gel.
  • Next, he will carefully paint the whitening product on the surface of your teeth.
  • He will use an LED blue light to help the whitening bleach lift the stains from your teeth.
  • This process will be repeated several times, if necessary until the desired whitening results have been achieved.

Once your teeth have been professionally whitened, it’s important to take good care of them in order to preserve your beautiful, white smile for as long as possible. The best way to keep your smile radiant is to:

  • Brush and floss your teeth daily
  • Limit your consumption of stain-causing foods
  • Visit the dentist twice a year for check-ups and cleanings

Is Professional Dental Whitening Painful?

Having your teeth whitened at the dentist should be a painless process. Some patients experience sensitivity in the first 24 hours after having their teeth whitened, however, this should quickly resolve on its own.

How Long Does In-Office Teeth Whitening Take?

The length of your professional teeth whitening treatment will depend on the condition of your teeth. Most patients can expect their appointment to take around 30-40 minutes.

Cost of Professional Dental Whitening

The cost of having your teeth whitened at the dentist will depend on your dental insurance plan. To learn more about what your dental insurance plan includes, please contact our family dentistry in Mesa Arizona.

Teeth Whitening Dentist in Mesa, AZ

When your teeth look great, it’s easy to confidently share your smile with others. If you’re interested in improving the way you look and feel, the compassionate team at Restoration Dental can help. With a professional teeth whitening treatment, you can enhance the natural beauty of your smile and boost your self-esteem in as little as half an hour. To learn more about how a whiter smile could improve your quality of life, contact us today to schedule your free consultation. We can’t wait to see you smile bright!